This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32429474 places and counting.
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ITC Mega Grosir,
Cheng-I (guest)
17 years ago:
Been here on 4 Nov 2007.
JW Marriott Hotel,
Cheng-I (guest)
17 years ago:
staying here from 3 Nov - 5 Nov 2007.
Tenth November Institute of Technology (ITS) - Pond,
utom (guest)
17 years ago:
my campus is ok
CV. Kurnia Utama Office, Bratang Gede VI-F / 64,
Benk_beng (guest)
17 years ago:
KONTRAKTOR ME gak proffesional (kayak "Keluarga Cendana")
Surabaya Hotel School,
17 years ago:
buat smua yang ngerasa siswa SHS yang suka nongkrong2 di gerbang rumahku...
kalian kan udah gede ya... bisa bedain yang mana gerbang rumah, yang mana parkiran,,,
berarti,,, gerbang BUKAN tempat parkir,,,
ga perlu nunggu ditegur kan,,, katanya anak sekolahan,,, SHS lagi,,, masa calon SDM perhotelan kayak gitu,,,
komplex nggone wong nggawe truk,
Wong Lawas (guest)
17 years ago:
Sik aku ngintip iso ora
iku ketok bokonge obah2 munggah mudun
Monumen Jalasveva Jayamahe,
Someone (guest)
17 years ago:
ITS Physics Engineering,
Instrumen (guest)
17 years ago:
iki bos
ITS Physics Engineering,
Instrumen (guest)
17 years ago:
ok bos
Petra 1 christian high school,
2 (guest)
17 years ago:
Graha Sucofindo Cabang Surabaya,
Fathoni (guest)
17 years ago:
Kog tidak dimasukkan alamatnya secara lengkap
SMP Kristen Petra 3 & SMA Kristen Petra 2,
.... (guest)
17 years ago:
p2 my lovely school
komplex nggone wong nggawe truk,
17 years ago:
saiki wis ketok om.....
sing ayu akeh sing nang primadona
ojo sering mmrene mas aid lho.................
Musholla baitus salamah,
abdul mudzill (guest)
17 years ago:
Here is my memorian place in my chilhood while taking houskeeping with other friends in 1970-an. Takbiran bersama until early morning and then someone gave us money (by pak Munir) wow.. keren... I learned Ngaji with my teacher Pak Muin (alm).
Long years ago this mosque was very small with wood wall but now 2007 its great building with beatifull disigned by Pak Yusuf, itu tu ... ayahnya mas hambali..
The marmer floor is very nice to take a pry. I miss u my memorian place
World Trade Centre Surabaya,
onegaizhimazu (guest)
17 years ago:
place to get phone
Lanny's Place,
nn (guest)
17 years ago:
can order....gitu!
Westwood villa, Laguna Indah( Pakuwon City ),
andre (guest)
17 years ago:
Laguna Indah now have new name "PAKUWON CITY", there are so many new facilities and new development area at the exclusive estate in the east of Surabaya.
WibowoEP's Home,
andre (guest)
17 years ago:
Many new building already done at Laguna Indah. Its better when somebady update this map
Lembaga Pendidikan Ilmu Al-Qur'an (LPIQ) Surabaya,
publish by Zakky Ghufron (guest)
17 years ago:
di komandani oleh Prof. dr. H. Roem rowi, M.A.
Lembaga Pendidikan Ilmu Al-Qur'an (LPIQ) Surabaya,
publish by Zakky Ghufron (guest)
17 years ago:
di sini sekretariat LPIQ Surabaya, pusat studi bhs arab (terjemah) dan ilmu al-quran
Surabaya recent comments: