This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32429760 places and counting.
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SMP Katholik Santo Yosef,
08 (guest)
17 years ago:
emang bu yanti guru paling killer waktu pelajarannya kelas sepi kayak kuburan
Galaxy Mall,
GM FANS (guest)
17 years ago:
Galaxy Mall is the perfect place for Surabaya's people to do so many things like eating,get entertainment,party,and the most important shopping.The biulding is geat, both of it GM 1 &GM 2
Pasar Kapasan,
m3.. (guest)
17 years ago:
inVesT PlaCe...
SMA YPPI II Surabaya,
m3.. (guest)
17 years ago:
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Kampus Lidah Wetan,
udin (guest)
17 years ago:
coz pelita mas mana
Komplek Perkantoran Pajak,
RIF (guest)
17 years ago:
Kanwil DJP Jawa Timur I
KPP Madya Surabaya
KPP Pratama Sby Wonocolo (My Office)
KPP Pratama Sby Rungkut
KPP Pratama Sby Karangpilang
KPP Pratama Sby Mulyorejo
Komplek Perkantoran Pajak,
RIF (guest)
17 years ago:
Komplek Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kanwil Jawa Timur I SURABAYA
SMA Negeri 6 Surabaya,
wahono lulus '93 3A3-3 (guest)
17 years ago:
kenangan masa lalu, sopo ae sing tak eling yo.. agus dwi cahyono, yudha, harris, edy arek A2 (KPK), nunit (A2), Alfred (penyanyi joo) sopo mene yooo....
SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya,
fira mplug (guest)
17 years ago:
luar biasa alias awesome see my school from space
Kampus Itats, Gedung B-arak,
Wahyu Novendi (guest)
17 years ago:
Tan aku dewe juga angkatan 87/88 jurusan electro aku lulus th 1994 tak roso awak dewe tau ketemu tapi lali rupo seumpomo ne awak dewe ketemu aku yakin ngak lali yoo, yok opo kabare jedah aman aman ae tah? nek arep ngobrol coba ngawe voip rakyat comunicator nomerku 66242 utowo ngawe email nang wahyunovendi@yahoo.vom opo hp +628566521291 tak tunggu ....
Depot Rawon Setan,
setan alas (guest)
17 years ago:
rawon rasane gak enak kok larang
Musholla Al - Aziizi Smk bendul,
Mazwin (guest)
17 years ago:
My passed beloved Dad was one of the first founding fathers of this lovely neighborhood mosque.
Perak thermal power station,
17 years ago:
also known as Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Perak
SMA Negeri 6 Surabaya,
heri lulus 1992 3A2 (guest)
17 years ago:
sekolahanku biyen rek. waktu iku koncoku titi, nunik, markus (saiki nang pilipina), eko (saiki dadi dokter), heny (adik kelas), didik (kuliah farmasi), oskar (saiki dadi jendral paling)...wes lali kabeh rek
pt. salim ivomas pratama,
willy alexander (guest)
17 years ago:
I think, I am quite sure this location is used to be The Old Surabaya Airport, namely Tanjung Perak Airport... it was arround 60's. Aero planes used to landed and took off : Convair, Electra, Dakota DC-3 etc.
Frateran High School,
willy alexander (guest)
17 years ago:
Used to be my school, '68 - '70, I played the bass guitar at the school's band along with Daniel, Sony and some other friends. The principal was Fr. Dwidjowasito. Hello fellas! I missed you all.
SMA Negeri 7 Surabaya,
gondrong (guest)
17 years ago:
ayo rek nang emak mane!
Nginden Intan Barat,
trimitrasm (guest)
17 years ago:
This is TRIMITRA'S house
SMA Negeri 1 ,
bnek (guest)
17 years ago:
it smallll
but its fuullll op lop
misssss everything sbout senior high schoolll
smasa surabaja
sungguh berkesan
tiada masa pling indah masa2 di sma...
tempat kongkow breng..ngoker2....the best buat yang hoby cabut...
bisa ngumpet di pohon
terbukti pling rimbun..
smasa jaya..bwat apa 2,5 n 9
smasa itu ga ada 2 nya...
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