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Surabaya recent comments:

  • TK, SD, SMP & SMUK Santa Maria, andi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Gw sebagai penduduk sby mengamati sekolaha ini dari jaman dulu...yang gak pernah berubah dari mereka adalah kedisiplinannya. Contoh kecil....kalau pulang sekolah , murid sekolah lain seragamnya udh gak karuan, kemeja keluar rok / celana dsb. Tapi herannya murid sekolah ini masih rapi jali. Dari hal yang kecil aja mereka perhatika. Salut!!!
  • UPN Technical Industrial Faculty, Flybird (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    good luck bg yg jadi sarjana, tp akan kemana setelah jadi sarjana? tingkatkan terus secara perlahan tapi pasti.
  • SMP Negeri 22 Surabaya, nn (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    goooooooooood school ..........!!!
  • SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya, qQ (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    spensix!!! apik!!
  • Indomaret Ngagel Rejo, ambon (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    iki duduh indomart, tapi alfamart goblok...!!!
  • ITS Physics Engineering, rifqoh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    ayooo kuliah nang p jali
  • SMP Negeri 18 Surabaya, (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Bapak/Ibu guru pengajar yg saya hormati,saya salah satu alumnus SMPN 18 SURABAYA,saya hanya bisa mengucapkan kata terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada anda semua yang telah menciptakan satu generasi bangsa yg dapat dan mampu meneruskan apa yg menjadi cita-cita mulia para pahlawan.semoga dari sekolah ini akan tercipta lagi ribuan generasi yg bisa membanggakan bangsa dan negara INDONESIA,amin. BRAVO SMPN 18 SURABAYA.
  • St. Agnes junior and senior high school, nastiti (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    St.Agnes is a good School Buruan skul in St.Agnes. hua...ha...ha...wk...wk...
  • bunda Lely Nginden Intan Utara 46 surabaya, aminusia (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    ndul, lely kuwi anake sopo?
  • Masjid Ta'miriyah, Arek Kemayoran (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Di Masjid ini dulu saya dan teman2 ditempa ilmu agama oleh Kyai Haji Ali Muhammad, Ustad Abd. Ghani,Uztad Hafid Idris, Bpk. Mustamin,Uztad Chozin, semoga amal ibadah kami semua di terima ole Allah Swt Amiin.
  • Pintu Gerbang UNESA, tanjung (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Surabaya Central Business District (SCBD) & Central Government City, Adenochi wrote 17 years ago:
    Disini pusatnya kota SURABAYA. Kalo malam ke tengah kota aja pasti asyik apalagi kalo malam minggu.. dijamin puazzz...... My lovely city..... Always Surabaya Nmber 1
  • Kompleks Bea Cukai, your sister (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    bc singkatan dari bea cukai or customs
  • SMA Negeri 9 , Intan'80 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    My high school
  • Finna, amoudi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • SMP Katholik Santo Yosef, Malvi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    all, ayo join ke milis alumni smpk st yosef surabaya di
  • JW Marriott Hotel, Hotelier (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Hi, This hotel like my second home, coz the service and the quality of the staff very attractive, they're very nice, the grooming, polite, always call the name of the guest during check in or check out and very help full. Hope your hotel will get high occupancy and high revenue for the Food & Beverage area, so all the staff will get more service charge and increasing salary. Good job and well done. Regards,
  • St. Agnes junior and senior high school, nastiti (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Ternyata St.Agnes klo diliat dri atas lumayan geDe ya...
  • ITS Civil Engineering Faculty, No Name (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Wah...kayaknya kenal wajah2nya itu ! pasti S-36 !!
  • Radio Republik Indonesia, Cahyo Nugroho (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    aku kost neng mburine rri pas.