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Surabaya recent comments:

  • SMA Negeri 16 Surabaya, iwan_sidosermo (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    diriku lulus 1995, pas dadi murid te pak darby. aku arek A1.2. Ayo rek nggawe milis.
  • Owen's Boarding House, vin.owen (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Awal berdirinya Fortis Central Company
  • Sekolah Alam Insan Mulia Surabaya, rosy (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    what teacher do you mean?
  • Sekolah Alam Insan Mulia Surabaya, rosy (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    is there a vakansifor teacher?
  • Gereja Mawar Sharon - Apostolic Satellite, POP (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    It's our home, Kenjeran 623. where we live together to know Jesus more and grow in love with Him. Lord..,we'll glorify Your name upon Surabaya. Amen!
  • Dupa 64, andi (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    salah mas
  • SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya, (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    hallo all my freinds in whenever places, aq angkatan 2006 seneng banget ada forum kaya gini, semoga kita bisa buat forum yang lebih heboh lagi n spesial untuk forum libels, salam aja yah, kalo ada2 masalah bisa add to my e-mail, siapa tahu bisa buat ajang curhat he...3x
  • Wisma Permai Barat, moh wahib-surabaya (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    butuh furniture n interior kelas atas harga bersaing hub rona jaya 081330304252
  • kolam renang BRI, enno (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    nang kine kula ambek konco2 renang
  • Omahe Eru P., EruP (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    This is real EruP's house, at Bulak Banteng
  • Togamas Margorejo Indah, ghafar (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    For all of Book'sLover.. Visit it.. n' u will Love it..
  • KB/TK/SD/SMP Islam Al Azhar 13 Surabaya, arif hendrawan spnza prob (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    i love ninik yulia astuti n guru guru yang dah tua-tua.
  • KB/TK/SD/SMP Islam Al Azhar 13 Surabaya, aditya wicaksonok (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    I love security
  • Gedung Keuangan Negara Surabaya, yade blajar ngoceh (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    this is indonesian finance building, many office in there
  • SCTV Surabaya, pp (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    aq g th..........
  • SMA Negeri 10 Surabaya, dicaedisutomo (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    aq ama temen skr lg kumpul2 mau adain reuni angkatan"93 klau anda angkatan 93 hub. 71296106 edi biologi
  • SMA Negeri 10 Surabaya, dicaedisutomo (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    aku dl juga anak smadasa angkatan th' 93 biologi jamane ketua osis Andre
  • SMA Negeri 3 Surabaya, cahaya (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    aku yo tau skolah no kene rek..
  • Rumah Amrin Rosihan, mom, dad, princess, s,eye (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Hey... We can not believe that ! This sweet home on this web... Many thanks for this ! Best regards from France Family (Rouen).
  • Musholla baitus salamah, dedi (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    wow... kok malah nyari duit :p